The Jane Bowler Studio is an innovator in luxury fashion, accessories 
and textile design.  Driven by a passion for process, materials and 
craftsmanship; the studio creates unique tactile surfaces and 
constructed textiles which naturally evolve into what Bowler refers to 
as ‘wearable art’.
Bowler has established herself as a celebrated London Fashion Designer. 
Her work has been featured in some of the world’s most respected 
publications, photographed by Nick Knight and Rankin as well as gaining 
a significant celebrity following.
The Jane Bowler brand encompasses much more than just a fashion label, 
by constantly endeavoring to inspire others through workshops and 
teaching. She works with educational institutions and the eponymous V&A 
Museum, whilst also expanding on an international level, through the 
British Council’s recognition of her talent. The Jane Bowler Workshops 
have reached as far as the Philippines and Slovenia alongside regular 
courses at the JB studio in London.
Personal interest and involvement with sustainability in Fashion has 
additionally led Bowler to speak at various high profile industry 
events, including the ‘High Fashion Low Countries’ seminar in 
Bowler’s collections are stocked internationally alongside handmade 
bespoke garments for private clients and commissions.  An exclusive 
range of JB accessories and garments will soon be available to purchase 
via the Jane Bowler online store.

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